Watercraft Quote Form Your information will be used for insurance quoting purposes only. Contact Information First and Last Name Email address Mailing Street Address City State Zip Phone Is your residence and mailing address different: ---YesNo Watercraft is stored at: ---Resident addressMarinaStorage FacilityPublic Parking LotOther Address Resident address is a: ---HouseTownhomeCondoApartment Watercraft location address: Watercraft Operators #1 Watercraft Operator First and Last Name: Marital Status: Date of Birth: Any Watercraft or vehicle violations or claims within the last 3 years: (Please include that date and describe the incident) Completed water safety course: YesNo Years of experience operating watercraft: #2 Watercraft Operator (if not applicable, skip to the Watercraft Hull section) First and Last Name: Marital Status: Date of Birth: Any Watercraft or vehicle violations or claims within the last 3 years: (Please include that date and describe the incident) Completed water safety course: YesNo Years of experience operating watercraft: #3 Watercraft Operator (if not applicable, skip to the Watercraft Hull section) First and Last Name: Marital Status: Date of Birth: Any Watercraft or vehicle violations or claims within the last 3 years: (Please include that date and describe the incident) Completed water safety course: YesNo Years of experience operating watercraft: Watercraft Hull Watercraft’s Hull Description of boat without the engine or trailer Year: Make: Model: Purchase Date: Construction: ---FiberglassInflatableMetalWoodPlastic How long is the watercraft (feet): Watercraft Style: ---Bass BoatCruiserJet BoatPersonal Watercraft (example: Ski doo, jet ski, etc.)PontoonRunaboutSailboatOtherNot sure Value of watercraft Hull (without Engine and Trailer) in $: Watercraft’s Engine or Motor Main Engine Propulsion: ---InboardOutboardWater JetInboard/Outdrive Year: (if known) Make: (if known) Model: (if known) Maximum speed: Total Horsepower: Estimated Motor only Value ($): Diesel Engine: YesNo 2nd Engine (if applicable) Propulsion: ---InboardOutboardWater JetInboard/Outdrive Year: (if known) Make: (if known) Model: (if known) Maximum speed: Total Horsepower: Trailer Skip this section if you do not want coverage on the trailer Trailer Year: (if known) Trailer Make: (if known) Trailer Model: (if known) Trailer only value ($): Trailer Physical Damage Deductible: ---No coverage$50$100$250$500 Coverages Liability: ---No coverage$100,000$200,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,000 Medical Payments: ---None$500$1000$2000$5000$10,000 Uninsured/Underinsured Watercraft Bodily Injury: ---No coverage$100,000$200,000$300,000$500,000 Watercraft Deductible: ---No coverage, liability only$50$100$250$500$1000$2000$3000 Emergency Assistance Package: ---None$500$1000 Roadside Assistance for Watercraft Trailer: ---No trailer coverage$300 Thank You! Please let us know who to thank for the referral