Safeco’s RightTrack Discount

What is RightTrack?

RightTrack is an optional discount you could add to your auto policy that could save you up to 30% off all your auto policy coverage except the uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage.  RightTrack tracks your driving, via RightTrack app you would load on your phone(s). The evaluation period would be for 90 days and that is it. During the 90 days you get a 10% discount, up front, just for participating. After the 90 days are over, each family member would earn a % discount (from zero percent to 30%) based on how well they drove. Poor drivers and non-participating household drivers would get zero percent but there is no risk of your rate increasing beyond what you are paying right now without the discount.  

The two links below have information and a video about the discount.

RightTrack® | Safeco Insurance

You might ask, “what does RightTrack track?” RightTrack tracks sudden acceleration, sudden stops, late night driving between midnight and 4 am and the amount of driving you do over 90 days. Each driver needs to drive at least 500 miles over 90 days to qualify for the discount. The more family members that participate the more concentrated the discount is. This is because each household driver earn a percentage discount, including nonparticipating family members who get a 0% discount. The final discount is calculated by adding up all household drivers’ discount and dividing it by the number of household drivers. For example, if John earned 22%, Betty earned 17% and Martha did not participate the discount would be 13% = ((22% + 17% + 0%)/3 drivers. Let’s say Marth participated and earned 15%, then the discount would be 18% = ((22% + 17% + 15%)/3 drivers.

If you would like to speak to a RightTrack Agent about this program, you can call 877-934-5335 from 5am – 8pm MST Monday through Friday.

Need insurance or looking to shop for better rates? Send me an email at

Traveler’s IntelliDrive Discount

Traveler’s IntelliDrive Discount is a great way for responsible and safe drivers to save money on their Auto Policy. You will initially save 10% on your premium just by signing up.

When you sign up, you will need to download the Travelers IntelliDrive application on your phone. The application will track your:

Time of Day ( late night driving will negatively impact your score)
Distracted Driving

After 90 days, Travelers will evaluate your data and give you a new rate depending on how well you drove.

When it is time for renewal, you could see your discount raise from 10% to a maximum discount of 30% off of your premium.

For more information, here is Traveler’s website regarding this program

If you have questions about IntelliDrive and would like to speak to an IntelliDrive specialist, you can call 888-505-1217 between 5am – 8pm MST Monday through Saturday.

Need new insurance or looking for a better rate? Send me an email at

Progressive’s Snapshot Discount

Snapshot is the name of Progressive’s telematics discount that tracks you and your household members driving via an app on your phone or a device plugged in your vehicle. The discount starts out with a 15% discount and can increase to 45% if you and your household members drive well. There is a small chance your rate could increase if you drove poorly, but you have up to 45 days to opt out of Snapshot discount and they would just remove the initial 15% discount.

Snapshot tracks:

Hard Breaking (decreases in speed of about seven mph per second or greater.

Amount of driving time (The number of minutes that you spend driving)

Late night driving (The number of minutes you spend driving during high-risk hours between midnight and 4 a.m. on the weekend.)

Fast starts. (Fast starts are increases in speed of about nine mph per second or greater)

Trip regularity (The frequency with which you drive at the same time of day and same duration.)

Distracted Driving (The amount of time of handheld phone use while driving. This applies to customers who participate in Snapshot using the Snapshot mobile app on phones with sufficient technology.)

Customers can call the Snapshot department at 877-329-7283

From Progressive:

How Snapshot affects your insurance rate

If you enroll in Snapshot when you buy your policy, you’ll save immediately with a Participation Discount. If you continue to participate in the program, the discount will remain on your policy for up to two policy periods, or until we collect enough driving data to personalize your rate at your policy renewal.

Your Snapshot driving results are set at the end of each policy period. These results correspond to a discount for safer driving habits or an increase for riskier habits. Your driving results will be updated at the end of each policy period if we have collected enough driving data in that policy period.

If you stop participating more than 45 days after you sign up, we’ll remove any Participation Discount immediately. If we have collected enough driving information, we will use that to personalize your rate when your policy renews. If we have not collected enough driving information, we will apply a surcharge when your policy renews.

Landlord tools for tenants

There is a really cool service for landlords I learned about that is free if you insure your rental properties through Foremost Insurance call Properly Rent. This is about a $400 value that is free to you as a Foremost Insurance customer. 

Properly Rent can:

  • Create Listings
  • Accept applications
  • Screen Tenants
  • Take payments

To better understand these services, click on the link below and watch the two videos.

If you are interested in this service and would like a quote on your rental properties, please call Agent Martin Sajbel at Elkstone Insurance Group at phone 303-716-0970. Marty can run landlord property insurance quotes for you from: Foremost, Travelers, Safeco and Hartford Insurance companies. 

Healthy Smoothie ingredients

I would like to share my nutrient packed smoothie recipe with you.

I have variations of this smoothie about every other morning for breakfast and I haven’t been sick all year long. I don’t claim it will prevent you from getting sick but several of the ingredients are known to straighten the immune system.

• 1 Green ice cube (Kale, Collard Greens, Arugula) *
• 1 Red ice cube (Beet cube) *
• Frozen fruit (use different fruits, mix up colors)
• Avocado  (Store he half with the seed still attached in the refrigorator as the seed helps preserve it)
• Kefir or Yogurt – unflavored (use different types, 1/3 of liquid base)
• MCT Oil (tablespoon)
• Mineral drops (read instructions on amount, too much could be harmful)
• Chia seeds (stored in freezer)
• Hemp hearts (stored in freezer)
• Flax seed (freshly ground with hand mill, stored in refrigerator)
• Collagen (2 scoops)
• Protein Powder (1 scoop or 2 scoops if you just worked out)
• Liquid (1/3 water, 1/3 Unsweetened Almond Milk or Coconut Water, 1/3 plain unsweetened Kefir or Yogurt)

I have a Ninja bullet blender and I love it. I load up the frozen items first then the liquids and put the powders in last near the blade. This way the powders do not stick to the walls of the blender.

*In all my smoothies I always include one of my pre-made red and green ice cubes. The red cubes are steamed beets blended with the steamed water, cooled, and scooped into 4 ice cube trays. After frozen, I store the red ice cubes in Ziploc bag in the freezer ready to use. I also lightly steam collard greens, kale, arugula together and freeze them the same way and make green ice cubes. It does take a little extra time to prepare these bags of red and green ice cubes, but they last me about three months. I set the hot pan I steamed them in on ice in the sink. Then, after they cool down, I use the water that I steamed them in to blend up the contents, as the steamed water has the nutrients lost in the steaming process. By taking the time to make these cubes, you save time as over the hassle of putting fresh kale or beets in your smoothies every time you make them. I like mixing up the fruit and try to use different colors of fruit. I also mix up the vanilla and chocolate protein powder.  If you don’t like beets, kale or collard greens, it is perfect, because you are able to get all the nutrients without the flavor.

I purchased the:

  • Flax seed hand mill on Amazon
  • The flax seed “whole seeds”, Collagen, Chia seeds, Mineral drops, MCT oil at Natural Grocers
  • The protein powder and most the frozen fruit at Sam’s Club

Written by Martin A. Sajbel, Independent Insurance Agent 303-716-0970

What is an Insurance Declaration Page or Dec page?

The Declarations page(s) is part of the policy documents. To better understand what the declarations page is, it would be better to first describe what the “policy” is. The “policy” is the agreement that states the rights and duties of the insurance company and you, the insured. The “policy” of an insurance company, is the same policy document others receive who are insured with that same insurance company. Each insurance company has its own policy. There are minor differences between each insurance company’s policies. An insurance company’s policy will detail the various types of coverage, what is and isn’t covered. The policy will also include duties after a loss and general provisions and start with definitions of key insurance words in the policy.

The insurance “declaration page” is unique to each person, or family, insured with the insurance company. The declarations page is what relates you to the insurance company’s policy. The insurance declaration page simply identifies who is insured, what is insured, when the policy takes effect, where the property is located, how much coverage is provided, and which package was selected. The name “declarations page” might infer that it is just one page long, but it could be several pages long. The pages will be numbers, for example, page 1 of 3. If a bank or mortgage company wants to see proof you have insurance on your vehicle, or house, you will want to find and forward all the pages of the declarations page. Make sure the declarations page is current and the end date is in the future.

If you own property in Colorado or live in Colorado, Elkstone Insurance Group, Inc. is an independent insurance company offering auto, homeowners, renters, landlord, condo insurance from several insurance companies and can shop for the best coverage and rates. Contact us, call Insurance Agent Martin Sajbel at 303-716-0970 to receive an insurance quote.

An example of a real life large liability claim

One of my stand alone personal umbrella liability carriers has a real life case study of a large liability claim.

Here is the story:

“Zack couldn’t believe his luck: Discovering leftover Fourth of July fireworks in the garage just in time for Halloween. He couldn’t wait to tell his best friend, Fletcher.

While their parents were soundly asleep on Halloween night, the inseparable pair snuck out to give the neighborhood a midnight treat.

Suppressing giggles, Zack lit the inaugural bottle rocket —  it zoomed off-course and landed underneath their neighbor’s car.

The friends rushed over to try to kick it out, but they were too slow — the car caught on fire in moments and as they looked on in disbelief, the tree in the yard and the home followed.

By the time firefighters were at the scene, extensive damage was already done.

Because of “vicarious parental liability,” Zack’s parents were on the hook for his actions, even though they weren’t present and didn’t know what he was up to.

After their homeowners liability limit was exhausted, their standalone personal umbrella policy covered the rest of the damage.

Claim: $620,000″

What is UMBI or Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury

UMBI is the coverage on your policy that would pay toward you, family members or passengers in your vehicle if someone else was at-fault in the accident and didn’t have any, or enough BI (Bodily Injury) coverage. Typically the at fault driver should have insurance, but as you know in Denver and Lakewood Colorado, there are many drivers that operate  vehicles without insurance or have the state minimum BI limits. Colorado’s State Minimum for BI is only $25,000 per person and if there was more than one passenger, no more than $50,000 per accident. This isn’t enough coverage if you and other passengers were seriously hurt or killed by a driver with this “legal” amount of coverage.

This UMBI coverage would kick-in and pay for you and your passengers’ injuries, pain and suffering, death benefit, loss of income, disability and more if the other at-fault driver had little or no BI coverage. In Colorado you can’t have more UMBI coverage than you have BI coverage but you can have the same amount. So good insurance agents make sure people have the same amount of coverage for both BI and UMBI. Be wary of agents that don’t include this UMBI coverage on your quote or policy to try to cut the price of the total premium unless you request not to have UMBI. UMBI coverage can be easily overlooked as it a policy coverage (not assigned to any particular vehicle) and is shown as a separate line item premium on the policy. UMBI’s premium is added with the total premiums from each vehicle to make up the total auto policy premium.

The description of the UMBI coverage above is just a general description of that coverage. Refer to your insurance policy to see what your UMBI covers. Elkstone Insurance Group, Inc. offer insurance from several insurance companies in Colorado. If you would like a free review of your Colorado auto and homeowners insurance coverage, call Independent Insurance Agent Martin Sajbel of Elkstone Insurance Group, Inc. at 303-716-0970.

What is “Class 4” rated roofing shingles and why should you have them?

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is a company that tests the impact resistance of roofing shingles to simulate how the roofing would stand up to hail. The test is called UL 2218 and is the standard test in the roofing industry. A roofing shingle tested under UL 2218 is given a rating from Class 1 to Class 4 – Class 4 representing the most impact-resistant roofing shingles.

Insurance companies are starting to realize the benefits of these Class 4 rated shingles and they are starting to give “hail resistive” discounts on policies where the home has Class 4 rated roofing. This discount could be 20% or more depending on factors. If you are replacing your roof, you should consider upgrading to Class 4 roofing shingles. The insurance savings on your homeowner’s policy will pay for the upgrade in about two years. Not all insurance companies offer this discount so check with your agent to see if your insurance company offers this discount.

Elkstone Insurance Group, Inc. is an independent insurance agency that can quote homeowner’s insurance from several insurance companies in Colorado. The hail resistive discount is available through our agency for homes with Class 4 rated roofing shingles. Call 303-716-0970 for an insurance quote.

What time of day does an auto or homeowners policy start or end?

Typically “most” insurance companies, start and stop, there polices at 12:01 AM (one minute after midnight). With that, the first day of your policy period you have coverage all that day. The last day of your policy period, you do not have coverage because it ended a minuet after that day started.